*Wrentham Engagement Mission Statement

Wrentham Engagement (WE) is a local, grass-roots effort to encourage greater awareness and engagement in the events and decisions that shape our town’s governance and future.

The mission is to initiate, coordinate, and facilitate, opportunities to foster and energize greater civic participation.

WE will do this by conducting forums, providing opportunities for citizens to engage, conducting out-reach for volunteerism, and helping to fill communication gaps.

Together, WE can build a stronger, more informed, and connected Wrentham through the power of civic engagement.

Wrentham Engagement Steering Committee:

Joe Stewart
Julie Garland
Kristen Andreozzi
Jerry McGovern
Andrea Murphy
Patty Provencher
Liz Harkins


your Community



Wrentham Engagement Annual Events

  • Candidate Tutorial

    The Candidates Tutorial is an opportunity to ask questions about running for local office and speak with current elected officials.

    It will cover three subjects:

    - The nomination papers process,

    - The responsibilities and commitment of offices on the April 2025 Town Election Ballot and

    - Tips and insights regarding campaigning.

  • Candidate Forum

    The Candidates Forum is an opportunity to engage with candidates in a facilitated format. Candidates for Select Board and other elected boards and committees will share their perspectives on key issues, responding to questions* from a forum facilitator in a group setting.

  • Candidates on the Common

    Join us for a casual gathering on the Town Common. This event is a unique opportunity for voters to connect directly with candidates - just voters and candidates engaging in open conversations.

Upcoming Important Election Dates